The mission of the Department of Optometry is to conserve the fighting strength in the realm of vision care by providing the highest quality primary eye care to eligible patients within the constraints of available personnel, equipment, and facilities. Appointments are required.
Services Offered
- Eye Examinations
- Contact Lens (Renewals)
- Military Spectacles
- Vision Readiness Screening
- Refractive Surgery Program
Eye Examinations
Provided on an appointment basis for active duty personnel and TRICARE enrollees. Eye examinations include a complete assessment of the health of the visual system and determination of spectacle prescription. Please be prepared to be dilated. A dilated fundus exam will make your near vision blurry and you will be sensitive to light for approximately 4-6 hours. Bring sunglasses. Vision testing for driver’s license renewal forms requires a routine eye examination appointment.
Contact Lens
Services are limited to prescription updates for patients who currently successfully wear contact lenses, who have the lenses for assessment of proper fit, and who have contact lens prescription information to identify all necessary lens parameters. Initial fits and contact lens insertion and removal training are not offered at this clinic.
Military Spectacles
Fitted, ordered, adjusted, and repaired for active duty and retired service members. Retired service members having a current spectacle prescription (less than 1 year old) from a civilian eye doctor may order military spectacles by bringing this prescription to the Optometry Clinic during normal operating hours. Referrals are not required.
Vision Readiness Screening
All US Army soldiers are required to complete an annual vision readiness screening. This screening is available through the annual Periodic Health Assessment or through your local unit point of contact. Soldiers are required to bring all current military eyewear (glasses and protective mask inserts) to the screening. This is not a comprehensive eye exam and those determined to have deficient vision and spectacles are required to schedule a routine appointment. Please contact Physical Exams if you need to schedule your annual PHA.
Refractive Surgery Program
Those active duty soldiers (including Active Guard Reserve) service members interested in requesting refractive surgery, such as laser in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK) or photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), must schedule a routine appointment with Dunham Optometry. All necessary forms will be furnished and completed during the appointment. For more information please visit the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Refractive Surgery website or Alexander T. Augusta Military Medical Center’s Warfighter Refractive Eye Surgery Program and Research Center